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Trends in Vacuum Science & Technology   Volumes    Volume 1 
Characterization of a-C: H thin films
A. Reyes-Mena, J. González-Hernández, R. Asomoza
Pages: 161 - 181
Number of pages: 21
Trends in Vacuum Science & Technology
Volume 1 

Copyright © 1993 Research Trends. All rights reserved

Amorphous hydrogenated carbon films were prepared from several different hydrocarbons as starting gases in a stainless steel UHV chamber, using a RF-excitation source at different powers. We analyzed the Vickers hardness, the optical, electrical and magnetic properties of the films using optical absorption, photoluminescence, Raman, infrared spectroscopy, electrical conductivity and electron spin resonance measurements. The changes in the structure due to different RF-power densities during deposition, heat treatments and ion bombardments result in ample changes in their optical and electrical properties. In the as-prepared samples, Raman measurements provide clear evidence of graphitic-like regions, whereas photoluminescence indicates the presence of atoms having the fourfold coordination. The volume fraction of the graphitic-like phase increases with higher RF-power densities or the bombardment with ions. According to the electrical conductivity measurements, nucleation and growth of conductive particles occur during the anneals.
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