ABSTRACT Field Ionization and Field-Assisted Step-Wise Dissociation are presented as examples of chemistry taking place in strong laser fields. The strong laser field (10 12 – 10 14 W/cm2) produced from focused femtosecond laser pulses combined to a TOF-Mass Spectrometer for detecting the ions. The Field Ionization (FI) of two diatomic molecules H2 and C2 and three polyatomic molecules, acetone, butanone, and 3-pentanone are presented. The results were interpreted, unlike atomic models, using a global molecular model based on the electron in the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals (HOMO) and the agreement between theory and experiment was excellent. The step-wise dissociation of three polyatomic molecules, namely, methane, acetaldehyde, and acetone are also presented to manifest the other aspect of chemistry taking place in such strong fields. The experimental observations were interpreted using a quasi-diatomic model that can be applicable to most polyatomic molecules. The agreement between theory and experiment was also excellent.
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