ABSTRACT The phycobiliprotein pigments in the cephalodia of the 21 species (39 specimens) of lichens of the genus Stereocaulon from different altitudes and various ecological niches were studied. In the cephalodia of the investigated species of the genus Stereocaulon C-phycoerythrin, C-phycocyanin and three types of allophycocyanin (allophycocyanin, allophycocyanin II and allophycocyanin B) were found. In the cephalodia of such three species as Stereocaulon alpinum, Stereocaulon ramulosum, Stereocaulon vesuvianum (collected in Columbia) the C-phycocyanin was predominant (42.8- 55.8%). In the remaining species allophycocyanins were found to predominate (36.2- 66.9%). The total content of phycobiliprotein pigments ranged between 0.099 (Stereocaulon vulcani collected in Hawaiian Isles) and 0.311 mg g-1 of dry mass (Stereocaulon ramulosum collected in Columbia). The biggest total content of phycobiliprotein pigments, C-phycocyanin and value of CPC/CPE ratio was observed in Stereocaulon incrustatum in the autumn and winter, and when red light was used. In all investigated lichen species the presence of phytochrome was observed.
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