ABSTRACT Kishk meal is a fermented product made from cereal (as Burghol) and yoghurt mixture and it is widely consumed in Syria and neighboring countries. The experiment was conducted on Syrian dried Kishk (SDK) stored for up to 12 months at room temperature to estimate the effect of storage on proximate composition, quality, and microbial changes of SDK. The results showed order of abundance (%) of approximate composition parameters evaluated in SDK to be, total sugar (61.08%) > crude protein (15.23%) > moisture (7.77%) > crude fat (6.67%) > ash (6.61%) > total reducing sugar (1.22%). It could be observed that SDK had low pH (4.04), high acidity (1.19%), and high volatile basic nitrogen (2.17 ppm). The initial total viable count (TVC), total mould and yeast count (TMYC), and total coliform count (TCC) were 4.51, 2.51, and 2.39 log cfu g-1. In general, storage had a significant effect on proximate composition, chemical properties and microbial load of SDK. VBN, TVC, TCC, TYMC and pH value were significantly (P<0.05) increased with storage (up to 12 months). The study concluded that the SDK has high nutritive value and good quality properties.
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