ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a significant public health problem, affecting about 10% of the world’s population. Despite its severity, the state of DM global screening is unsatisfactory. Nearly 50% of adults with DM are unaware of their health condition, which justifies the need for a simple diabetes monitoring system that can be employed for community screening. This review deals with the gold standard tests for monitoring DM diagnostics, which are invasive and uncomfortable. We present some emerging alternatives based on exhaled breath and urine analysis using the Electronic Nose (E-Nose) technology as a promising methodology because of its non-invasive nature, ease of sampling, and dynamicity. We further detail methods for assessing newly diagnosed DM patients, their classification, pathophysiology, and pathogenesis. Besides, we focus on the general aspects of its management based on lifestyle changes, exercise, and pharmacological treatment, emphasizing the pharmacodynamics, doses, contraindication, and adverse effects of each drug family. Finally, we discuss the most relevant complications related to DM and their treatment methods. We hope this review might help medical doctors cover all aspects of monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of DM and its complications.
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