ABSTRACT Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a commonly-used animal model of the human demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis (MS). Similar to MS, EAE is under genetic control in that certain mouse strains are susceptible to disease induction with myelin antigens, while other strains are resistant. Initially, this laboratory showed that resistance to EAE induced by myelin basic protein (MBP) in B6 mice and many other strains with different H-2 haplotypes could be reversed in an adoptive transfer system by challenging the recipients with MBP-CFA. The disease developed in these mice was very similar to that induced in EAE susceptible mouse strains without the antigenic challenge. The antigenic challenge appeared to induce an anamnestic response in the donor T cell population. Significantly, the period between adoptive cell transfer and antigenic challenge could be as long as over one year, again indicating that the donor cells persisted in the host for a long period of time. Recently, it has been suggested that EAE resistance can be due to the activities of regulatory T cells. We confirmed this observation in SJL.B mice responding to MBP but not in B6 mice responding to the same antigen, suggesting that regulation might vary among EAE resistant mouse strains. Interestingly, while B6 and SJL.B mice are resistant to EAE induction with MBP, these mice are susceptible to disease induction when immunized with MOG, suggesting that EAE susceptibility verses resistance is antigen dependent. This unique mouse model, coupled with advance technologies such as peptide/IA tetramers and microarrays, should provide a powerful tool for further elucidation of the basic mechanisms of EAE resistance.
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