ABSTRACT One of the ways to help control mosquito vectors of human diseases is through traps that can capture them. One example includes adultraps; however, due to the complex components in their structure, they are expensive for people in tropical zones-areas which are most affected by Culicidae mosquitoes. Here we present the design of a new trap to capture adult mosquitoes that has been tested in laboratory and field. Functional models were constructed to assess the color, size, and the number of entrances an effective trap should have. The number of entrances was determined by examining the average number of adult mosquitoes captured and with the evidence of oviposition in test models with 1, 2, 3, and 4 entrances. Color choice for such a model was assessed by contrast of colors including red (body)/black (entrance), orange (body)/black (entrance), green (body)/black (entrance) and black (body)/red (entrance) combinations. Trap size was tested with 3 size scales 1:0.75 (111 mm x 60 mm x 60 mm), 1:1 (150 mm x 80 mm x 80 mm) and 1:1.25 (185 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm). In addition, this experiment also tested for contrast of 2 colors, which resulted from a previous experiment (red (body)/black (entrance) and all black). All the experiments were developed in the laboratory and field simultaneously. The trap with the most extensive entrance (64 cm² top and 9 cm² bottom) captured significantly more adult mosquitoes [Kw; H (4, N = 40) = 22.3 p = 0.0002], and the color contrasts that favored the adult mosquitoes capture were red/black and black [Kw; H (7, N = 64) = 35.6 p = 0.000]. Interestingly, trap size was not a significant factor in capturing adult mosquitoes [Kw; H (7, N = 120) = 3.5 p = 0.839]. The novel trap design described here can capture mosquitoes that vector pathogens, such as Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus.
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