ABSTRACT N-chlorotaurine (NCT), a product of activated human granulocytes and monocytes, belongs to the long-lived oxidants of innate immunity. It is involved in the inactivation of invading pathogens because of its microbicidal properties and in termination of inflammation because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The synthetically manufactured sodium salt of NCT enables the introduction of NCT as an endogenous anti-infective and antiseptic in medicine for topical treatment of infections in different body regions. Compared to highly reactive oxidants, the low reactive NCT has the advantages of better tolerability and applicability of higher concentrations. Moreover, in body fluids and exudates, not only lower consumption of oxidation capacity, but also desirable enhancement of microbicidal activity because of transchlorination reactions, occur. All these properties in combination, originating from evolution, render NCT a masterpiece useful in infectiology.
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