ABSTRACT Sucrose polyesters (SPE) were obtained in the laboratory from methyl oleate, sucrose and an alkaline catalyst. The reaction was performed under reduced pressure at 180 ºC for 6 hours. A product containing 60% SPE was obtained. It was purified by first neutralizing it with acetic acid to a pH of 7, and was subsequently extracted with water. The water-insoluble phase was in turn extracted with methanol, yielding a methanol-insoluble product containing 67% SPE. It was dissolved in 90/10 hexane/ethyl ether mixture and passed through a column of silica gel. SPEf was identified using infrared spectroscopy (IR), gas chromatography (GC), 13C NMR and 1H NMR. Olestra (Ol), a sucrose polyester, extracted from a commercial product, was used as the reference compound. It was concluded that SPEf has sucrose esterified with eight molecules of fatty acid, mainly with oleic acid.
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