ABSTRACT Omalizumab is an anti-IgE medication used for treating patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma. Recently it has been used in combination with oral immunotherapy (OIT) to accelerate the desensitization process. Although many studies have involved omalizumab and OIT and it has been determined to be safe in phase I trials, currently phase II trials are being conducted. However, most of the published studies have primary and secondary endpoints near the end of a participant’s desensitization. Surprisingly, information published regarding the time of initial introduction to the food allergen in question has not been explicitly investigated. The objective of this study is to assess the literature and provide a statistical analysis regarding dosing information for the initial introduction of food allergen. A literature search for published omalizumab and OIT trials as well as a retrospective chart review on 40 participants in an omalizumab with OIT trial at the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research was conducted. Four published trials and one case report were found and the initial day of dosing was analyzed. In addition, data from the 40 participant charts was extracted and analyzed. In trials where omalizumab was given in combination with OIT, the initial day of food allergen dosing occurred 8-22 weeks after the first omalizumab injection was given. On the initial day of dosing, the participants reached a dose of 7 mg-8000 mg of food allergen protein. More research needs to be conducted and published to determine the best time to introduce foods after the first omalizumab injection and the highest and safest dose that can be consumed during the first day of dosing. In addition, type of allergen, whether introducing multiple foods at once or a single allergen at a time, age, sex, and omalizumab dosing schedule needs to be analyzed to determine trends and possible questions on future research.
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