ABSTRACT Pollen grains are considered as the main causative agent of the respiratory allergic disorders. Pollen grains of the family Amaranthaceae are predisposing agents in atopic allergy in arid and semiarid areas. This study aimed at identifying the antigenic properties of C. album pollen extracts in atopic asthmatic patients. Pollen grains of C. album were extracted and the antigenicity of the extract was primarily assessed by skin prick test (SPT). The protein content of the extract was quantified by modified Lowry assay and separated by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) interaction with pollen extracts was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and confirmed with immunoblot. In this study, 70 out of 300 atopic asthmatic patients (23.3%) were skin prick test-positive toward C. album pollen extracts. Specific IgE against C. album pollen grains was recorded among 78.5% of the positive skin patients with high levels in 15.7% of them as determined by ELISA. Four distinct protein bands with molecular weights 50, 57, 63 and 67 kDa were detected by SDS-PAGE. The antigenicity of the protein fractions was confirmed by the interaction of patients’ sera on the immunoblot with IgE antibodies. Allergenicity to C. album pollen extracts was identified and confirmed among atopic patients. The results discussed here could attribute in the development of diagnosis processes and therapeutic strategies for allergic individuals.
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