ABSTRACT The external heavy-atom effect, which is commonly used to enhance the triplet yield of photosensitizers, is applied here to allow the determination of accurate values of the parameter SΔ that describes the efficacy with which the triplet reacts with O2 to produce O2 (1Δg) (quantum yield ΦΔ). The study of the effect of halogenated compound (Q) addition on the luminescence intensity of O2 (1Δg) at 1270 nm or on the rate of O2 consumption for three porphyrin derivatives allows to get precise values of ΦΔ/SΔ and then of SΔ. It is concluded that (i) the probability SΔ is equal to unity for TPP, MgTPP and pheophytin a, (ii) the best balance between ease of use and result accuracy is provided by the time-resolved luminescence of O2 (1Δg) at 1270 nm technique and the determination of the kinetic parameters using a relationship involving relative change in fluorescence yields F/FQ and in luminescence intensities of singlet oxygen LQ/L, and (iii) TPP, a readily available sensitizer, is recommended as a reference compound with ΦΔ = 0.80 in aerated benzene.
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