ABSTRACT Decoction preparations are one of the most commonly practiced Ayurvedic dosage forms, which are highly effective. However, decoctions have to be used when freshly prepared due to short shelf life, and they are often disregarded due to the preparation method and palatability. Drakshadi decoction is a classic formulation mentioned in authentic Ayurveda text known as Ashtanga Hrdaya Samhitha under Jwara Chikitsa. It is used as a medicine for Vata-Pitta jwara (fever associated with Vata and Pitta (body humours), Hrallasa (nausea), Chardi (vomiting), Murcha (loss of consciousness of pleasure and pain), Daha (burning sensation of the body), Klama (fatigue), Bhrama (vertigo), Urdhawa Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Pipasa (thirst), Kamala (jaundice) and Shirah Shola (headache). Drakshadi decoction consists of 16 plant ingredients and it was converted into a user-friendly dosage form known as ‘Ghanasara’. The ‘Ghanasara’ form has a longer shelf life than ‘Drakshadi’ decoction and is also easy to dissolve in aqueous medium. Drakshadi decoction and Ghanasara form of Drakshadi decoction were prepared and subjected to a phytochemical comparison. Organoleptic evaluation (Hedonic Scale Method), thin layer chromatography (TLC), and evaluation of pH value were carried out. The pH value of the Ghanasara form was found to be 6.2. In the TLC fingerprint profile, the intensity of the spots was more prominent in Drakshadi decoction than in the Ghanasara form. In conclusion, the TLC fingerprint pattern showed that the Ghanasara form is approximately similar to Drakshadi decoction, which was prepared according to the traditional method. Therefore, Ghanasara form can be used as a novel dosage form. However, clinical evaluation and other chemical examinations are needed to prove the efficacy of Ghanasara form.
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