ABSTRACT Kinetic modeling is a powerful tool in the analysis of the combustion problems. Computer models can contribute to the understanding and solution of practical combustion problems. This paper presents a semidetailed model from methane up to iso-octane that accurately describes pyrolysis, ignition and oxidation of hydrocarbons. The overall scheme is constituted by 150 species and more than 3000 reactions. The model and its validation differ from previous comprehensive detailed reaction mechanisms in two important ways. First, in addition to conventional combustion data, experiments more commonly associated with chemical engineering problems are used to test the reaction mechanism, making it even more general than previous models. In addition, H-atom abstraction and other reaction rates are treated using approximations that facilitate extension to larger fuel in a convenient manner. Several comparisons with experimental data, obtained over a wide range of temperatures, pressures and oxygen concentrations, support and validate the proposed kinetic model. The kinetic scheme structure and its validation allow industrial applications as evaluation of commercial gasoline characteristics, furnaces products analysis, prediction of NOx emissions from industrial burners.
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