ABSTRACTWe present the simulations of Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth, Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction intensity oscillations and the surface roughness evolution. To simulate epitaxial growth two different models have been used, i.e. the stochastic model based on Monte Carlo method and the Temperature Activated - Rate Equation model. The stochastic model based on Monte Carlo method is one of the most used models for simulation of epitaxial growth. In contrast the Temperature Activated – Rate Equation model is a much more simplified model but one which is sufficiently complex that it can realistically model the growing surface. The epitaxial growth in this model is described by a set of kinetic rate equations that govern the time dependence of the concentration of two-dimensional islands of varying sizes on top of the surface. This island concentration is used to calculate the time dependent coverage of each growing layer Θj(t) together with the whole number of two-dimensional islands in single layers ISLj(t). The MBE growth mode is evaluated by a calculation of the RHEED intensity I(t). Similarly a calculation of the surface roughness IW(t) serves to confirm the growth mode of the MBE structure. Much attention is paid mainly to explain the time dependencies of above mentioned output profiles on various growth modes, i.e. multi-layer growth and layer-by-layer growth.
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