ABSTRACT Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on non-GaAs(l00) substrates has the great potential for fabricating vertical and lateral p-n junctions. These are based on the amphoteric nature of Si dopant; in GaAs growth on GaAs(n11) A substrates, Si atoms are incorporated as acceptors when n≤3. Further-more, the conduction type of Si-doped GaAs layer can be controlled by the MBE growth conditions. Therefore, vertical GaAs p-n junctions can be formed on GaAs(n11)A substrates using contolled all-Si doping, and lateral p-n junctions are formed in Si-doped GaAs epilayers grown on patterned GaAs(n11)A substrates. In this article, we review techniques for growth of vertical and lateral p-n junctions on GaAs(n11)A substrates by using only Si dopant. We also review applications to light emitting diodes, laser diodes and tunneling transistors.
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