ABSTRACT Using column (CC), thin-layer (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) carotenoid content was examined in body of females and males in the specimens of 33 species (13 Zygoptera and 20 Anisoptera) of the dragonfly. By means of ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) the presence of carotenoproteins and bileprotein complexes in some species of dragonfly were examined. Twenty five carotenoids were identified, such carotenoids as auroxanthin, diatoxanthin, philosamiaxanthin and canthaxanthin occured only in species belonging to Zygoptera; 5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-α-carotene, neoxanthin, triphasiaxanthin, capsochrome and pheonicoxanthin were detected only in some species of Anisoptera. Capsochrome and triphasiaxanthin appeared to be new to insects. The predominant carotenoids were β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lutein epoxide, neoxanthin and capsochrome. The total content of carotenoids ranged from 10.820 (Anax imperator) to 72.411 μg g-1 of dry mass (Cardulegaster boltonii). In specimens of Lestes barbarus blue carotenoprotein complex containing astaxanthin as prosthetic group was found and blue carotenoprotein and yellow carotenobileprotein complex from lutein and mesobiliverdin as prosthetic groups in Aeshna grandis were observed. The proteins of this complexes contained 16 amino acids, mainly asparic acid, glutamic acid and leucine with minimal methionine, tyrosine (blue carotenoprotein), and histydine, methionine and tyrosine (yellow carotenobileprotein).
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