Current Topics in Crystal Growth Research
→ Volumes
Volume 7
Calcium carbonate polymorphism control in biomineralization: from in vivo knowledge to in vitro application
Giuseppe Falini, Simona Fermani, Norbetro Roveri
Pages: 113 - 122
Number of pages: 10
Current Topics in Crystal Growth Research Volume 7
Copyright © 2004 Research Trends. All rights reserved
ABSTRACT The biomineralization is the study of biological mineral deposition. It represents in many aspects the synthesis biology, geology and chemistry. In fact, the organisms use an organic matrix to control the mineral formation in terms of shape, polymorphism, composition and mechanical properties among others. The biomineral (composite inorganic-organic) are always specifically located and optimised to satisfy the organism requests as results of an evolutionary process. The calcium carbonate polymorphism control is one the most intriguing examples. Nowadays much information are available on the strategy used by the organism to precipitate one form instead of another. These knowledge have been applied to design many biologically inspired systems with, so. Far, potential high technological applications.
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