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Pharmacological characterization and novel signaling pathways of β3-adrenoceptors in guinea pig gastric fundus
Pages 1 -
Takahiro Horinouchi, Katsuo Koike
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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cancer prevention: a review of the recent evidence
Pages 25 -
Gareth Morgan, Harri Vainio
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The purinergic action of ATP in the liver
Pages 41 -
Talma R. L. Fernandes, F. Suzuki-Kemmelmeier, Adelar Bracht
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A novel role of prolactin in the regulation of calcium metabolism
Pages 55 -
Nateetip Krishnamra, Wasana Saengumnart, Liangchai Limlomwongse
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COX inhibition and NSAID-induced gastric damage
Pages 69 -
Koji Takeuchi, Akiko Tanaka, Ryoko Ohno, Masahiro Matsumoto
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Pleiotropic effects of statins and atherosclerosis
Pages 83 -
Takayuki Ito, Uichi Ikeda
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NMDA receptor antagonists and nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in studying of neural mechanisms of learning and memory
Pages 95 -
Xiaojuan Xu
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Ischemic neuronal death and its prevention by antioxidants
Pages 109 -
Kazuo Yamagata, Motoki Tagami, Yasuo Nara, Yukio Yamori
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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues in anticancer management: clinical applications and antiproliferative signaling
Pages 119 -
Atsushi Imai, Tatsuro Furui, Michiyo Sugiyama, Teruhiko Tamaya
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Biochemical characterization of EP and IP receptor subtypes in rat medullary thick ascending limb
Pages 129 -
Richard L. Hébert, Tim O’Connor, Chris Neville, Linda N. Peterson
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Cancer therapy and prevention based on non-antioxidative effect of vitamin E
Pages 139 -
Tomohiro Yano, Kiyokazu Hagiwara, Haruna Satoh, Itsumaro Kumadaki, Kazuyuki Suzuki, Ryuji Asano, Yoshihisa Yano, Tomio Ichikawa
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Treatment of airway hypersecretion by macrolide antibiotics
Pages 147 -
Etsuko Tagaya, Jun Tamaoki, Mitsuko Kondo, Atsushi Nagai
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Are ginsenosides, active ingredients Panax ginseng, differential modulator of ion channels?
Pages 155 -
Seung-Yeol Nah
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Ca2+ -signaling in intestinal epithelial cells
Pages 163 -
Martin Diener, Gerhard Schultheiss
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Current developments in nicotinamide pharmacology
Pages 171 -
J. Yang, J. D. Adams
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Electropharmacology of taurine on cardiac ion channels and its antiarrhythmic actions
Pages 185 -
Hiroyasu Satoh
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Aging and NMDA receptor
Mini Review
Pages 191 -
Beatriz Martínez-Villayandre, Arsenio Fernández-López, Miguel A. Chinchetru, Pedro Calvo-Fernández
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Effect of antiflammins on the inflammatory response
Mini Review
Pages 197 -
Juan J. Moreno
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Influence of an equimolar dose of serotonin and histamine on gastrointestinal pressure in the anesthetized piglet
Short Communication
Pages 203 -
A. Hermans, E. Wechsung, A. Houvenaghel
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