Trends in Organic Chemistry
→ Volumes
Published in 2006
Table of Contents
1 |
PtCl2-promoted cycloisomerization of unsaturated propargylic derivatives
Pages 1 -
José Marco-Contelles
Abstract | Buy this article
2 |
Evaluation of the substituent constants for amino groups based on 19F NMR chemical shifts of p-fluoroanilines
Original Communication
Pages 9 -
Anna Zakrzewska, Ryszard Gawinecki, Erkki Kolehmainen
Abstract | Buy this article
3 |
Structure-reactivity correlation study on the restricted rotation of cis-1,3-diphenyltriazenes
Original Communication
Pages 17 -
Mónica Barra, Herlina Lim
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
A novel synthetic application of an intramolecular alkyl migration reaction in indolylborates
Mini Review
Pages 29 -
Minoru Ishikura
Abstract | Buy this article
5 |
Interrelation between the substituent effects, π - electron delocalization and H–bonding#
Pages 37 -
Tadeusz Marek Krygowski, Halina Szatyłowicz
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
Cyclic diethylketone triperoxide: preparation, kinetic in solution, solvent effect and its application in polymerization processes
Pages 55 -
Adriana I. Cañizo
Abstract | Buy this article
7 |
Recent advances in the use of bismuth(III) triflate in organic synthesis: an update
Pages 65 -
Hafida Gaspard-Iloughmane, Christophe Le Roux
Abstract | Buy this article