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Applications of cyclic α-haloethers and unsaturated oxonium ions to natural product synthesis: Carbon-carbon bond formation
Pages 1 -
Ron Bihovsky
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Kinetic study for free radical reactions between nitrate radical (NO3.) and organic compounds in solution
Pages 7 -
Osamu Ito
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Solvation and structural effects on the basicity of amines
Pages 27 -
Allan D. Headley
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Chemical and biological aspects of antitumor platinum pyrimidine greens
Pages 37 -
Takehiko Shimura, Tomoko Okada, Hiroaki (Yohmei) Okuno
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Stereocontrolled introduction of nitrogen functionalization in D-ribonolactone chiral templates: Synthesis of non-protein amino acids
Pages 53 -
Jesús Ariza, Josep Font, Rosa M. Ortuño
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Preparation of the isoquinoline ring system utilizing benzylic anion condensations
Pages 65 -
Robin D. Clark, Jahangir
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Ion pairing of radical ions studied by pulse radiolysis
Pages 93 -
Yukio Yamamoto
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New diterpenoid skeletons of clerodanic origin from Mexican Salvia species
Pages 99 -
Lydia Rodríguez-Hahn, Baldomero Esquivel, Jorge Cárdenas
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Hypervalent iodine reagents in organic synthesis: Development of novel reactions and their application to biologically active natural products
Pages 113 -
Yasuyuki Kita, Hirofumi Tohma, Takayuki Yakura
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Organic natural products from some Mexican plants
Pages 129 -
Guillermo Delgado
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Lexitropsins: Sequence selective DNA binding and anticancer agents
Pages 141 -
K. Ekambareswara Rao, J. William Lown
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The sacrificial anode in electroorganic synthesis: Recent applications and mechanistic features
Pages 173 -
Nédélec Jean-Yves, Périchon Jacques
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Studying interelectronic exchange interactions in organic compounds: A molecular approach
Pages 179 -
Paul M. Lahti
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Electron transfer in aliphatic radical nucleophilic substitution reactions
Pages 193 -
Roberto A. Rossi, Ana A. Satiago
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Electrochemical methoxylation of aromatic compounds
Pages 227 -
Isidoro Barba
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Electron delocalization and reactivities in organic chemistry
Pages 249 -
Hiroshi Fujimoto
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Conformations of some substituted porphyrins
Pages 261 -
Georgine M. Sanders, Marinus van Dijk, Henk C. van der Plas
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Conformational effects in the dimetalation of hydrocarbons
Pages 279 -
Nancy S. Mills, Luis E. Martinez Jr., Danny L. Ramsey
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The issue of substituent-directed Baeyer-Villiger reaction 7-halo-ether-, and ester-substituted norbornan-2-ones
Pages 289 -
Grant R. Krow, Yoon B. Lee
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Quantitative analysis of medium effects on organic reactions in mixed aqueous media
Pages 295 -
Wilfried Blokzijl, Jan B. F. N. Engberts, Michael J. Blandamer
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Dicyclopenta (ef, kl) heptalene (Azupyrene). A nonbenzenoid, symmetric, tetracyclic, 16π-electron aromatic hydrocarbon
Pages 315 -
Arthur G. Anderson Jr.
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Organic solid state reactions
Pages 323 -
Fumio Toda
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