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Second-generation merocyanine photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy
Pages 1 -
Fritz Sieber
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Genotoxicity of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in the absence of light
Pages 15 -
Marisa H.G. Medeiros, Janice Onuki, Paolo Di Mascio
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Synergistic carcinogenesis of chemical carcinogens and long wave- length UVA radiation
Pages 31 -
Huachen Wei, Yongyin Wang, Rao Saladi
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ESR study on the radical intermediates formed in the photoinduced charge transfer process in semiconductor systems
Pages 47 -
Guangzhi Xu, Jianping Zhang, Ping Zuo, Xicheng Ai, Yalin Tang, Ciping Chen, Junling Yang
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Observation of fluorescent image and spectra for the processing of pathological changes in arteries using photosensitizer
Pages 57 -
Junichi Hayashi, Katsuo Aizawa, Takashi Saito
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Development of visible-light driven photocatalysts for detoxification
Pages 67 -
Haimei Liu, Jiannian Yao, Ying Ma
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Phthalocyanine dyes: importance and future directives for use in photodynamic therapy of cancer
Pages 77 -
Antônio Cláudio Tedesco, Fabíola Silva Garcia, Maria Vitória Lopes Badra Bentley
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Photoinhibition of hexose uptake in Chlorella
Mini Review
Pages 85 -
Akio Kamiya
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Hypothetical photosensory structure and transduction in ciliated protozoan, Blepharisma
Short Communication
Pages 93 -
Akemi Kida, Daisuke Tokumori, Giovanni Checcucci, Hiyoshizo Kotsuki, Masaharu Yasuda, Megumi Hase, Tatsuomi Matsuoka, Yuichi Takada
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The role of UVA and UVB in the modulation of immunity: molecular and cellular responses
Pages 103 -
Gary M.Halliday, Michael P.F.Stapelberg, Scott N.Byrne
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Spontaneous ultraweak photon emission of living organisms-biophotons-phenomena and detection techniques for extracting biological information
Pages 111 -
Masaki Kobayashi
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Long-term studies of effects of solar radiation on mesocosms at different altitudes in Bavaria, Germany
Original Communication
Pages 137 -
Almut Gröniger, Donat- P. Häder, Sabine Gerber
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Effects of solar radiation on phycobiliproteins of marine red algae
Original Communication
Pages 149 -
Donat- P. Häder, E. Walter Helbling, Elena S. Barbieri, Michael Lebert, Rajeshwar P. Sinha
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Effects of solar radiation on photosynthetic quantum yield of a cyanobacterium Nostoc sp.
Original Communication
Pages 159 -
Donat- P Häder, E. Walter Helbling, Rajeshwar P. Sinha
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Comparative study of the influence of UV on photosynthesis of Cryptomonas maculata and Cosmarium cucumis
Original Communication
Pages 167 -
Donat- P. Häder, Peter Richter, Abdulkarim S. Ayash
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Leak current in GH3 cells: photomodification sensitized by uroporphyrin
Original Communication
Pages 175 -
Dennis Paul Valenzeno, Merrill Tarr
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