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Low-temperature multidimensional luminescence spectroscopy for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds
Pages 1 -
Walter B. Wilson, Emily C. Heider, Andres D. Campiglia, Fernando Barbosa Jr.
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Some applications of the generalized repeated-birthdays-problem (RBP) in probability theory to analytical chemistry
Original Communication
Pages 25 -
Thomas Z. Fahidy
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Application of capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection for the analysis of aminoglycoside antibiotics
Original Communication
Pages 31 -
Mohamed Nouri El-Attug, Ann Van Schepdael, Erwin Adams
Abstract | PDF
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Estimation of antioxidant properties of teas using DPPH assay
Pages 39 -
Anna Pękal, Krystyna Pyrzynska
Abstract | PDF
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Evaluation of ZIC-HILIC columns for the analysis of flavonols
Original Communication
Pages 49 -
Aleksandra Sentkowska, Magdalena Biesaga, Krystyna Pyrzynska
Abstract | PDF
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Analysis of protein damage based on the fluorometry of tryptophan residue
Original Communication
Pages 57 -
Kazutaka Hirakawa, Shiori Inoue
Abstract | PDF
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Analysis for doxorubicin by spectrophotometry and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Original Communication
Pages 63 -
Ronald Bartzatt, Elizabeth Weidner
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A simple potentiometric urine glucose biosensor using a paper-based disposable reagent sheet and a mobile pH meter
Short Communication
Pages 71 -
Hideaki Nakamura, Yosuke Tsuboi, Masao Gotoh
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Microchip capillary electrophoresis system with amperometric detection: A review of the theory, recent developments and future evolutions
Pages 77 -
Una Crowley, Francesco Dicorato, Jeremy D. Glennon, Eric Moore
Abstract | PDF