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A review on the application of multielement inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroanalysis to trace metal speciation in sediments and soils
Pages 1 -
Daniel A. Batistoni, Monica B. Alvarez, Monica E. Malla
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Unconventional applications of spectroscopy in the fuels field
Pages 15 -
Tiziana Zerlia
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Quantitative analysis in diffuse reflectance infrared spectrometry: thiocyanate levels in miswak aqueous extracts
Pages 25 -
A. A. Christy, I. A. Darout, N. Skaug
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Simultaneous detection of aromatic molecules in a mixture by mass analyzed resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy
Pages 35 -
Wen-Bih Tzeng
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Fourier transform infrared imaging: a new spectroscopic tool for microscopic analyses of biological tissue
Pages 57 -
Ira W. Levin, Rohit Bhargava
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Raman scattering in cuprate-based high-Tc superconductors:Raman-active phonons and their doping dependences
Pages 73 -
Masato Kakihana, Minoru Osada
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FTIR - spectroscopy of soils - characterization of soil dynamic processes
Pages 103 -
G. Haberhauer, M. H. Gerzabek
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Progress in reflectometry and reflection spectra analysis of liquids
Pages 111 -
Jukka Raty, Kai-Erik Peiponen
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The application of reflectance difference spectroscopy in condensed matter physics
Pages 133 -
Z. Yang
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Applications of electron momentum spectroscopy in the study of matter
Pages 145 -
M. J. Brunger, H. E. Dorsett, M. J. Ford
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Wavelength-resolved REMPI mass spectrometry for the monitoring of toxic incineration trace gases
Pages 181 -
Heinz Pokorny, Matthias Nomayo, Brian Gullett, Horst-Henning Grotheer, Reinhold Thanner
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Photothermal deflection spectroscopy and photoacoustic spectroscopy
Pages 207 -
Masato Ohmukai, Yasuo Tsutsumi
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A new approach for evaluation of graft function by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: from experimental studies to clinical applications
Pages 221 -
Michel Carretier, Thierry Hauet, Helene Gibelin, Michel Eugene, Herve Baumert, Jean Pierre Faure
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