Current Topics in Genetics
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Published in 2005
Table of Contents
1 |
Gene silencing and histone modification by JDP2, a repressor that binds to the AP-1 regulatory sequence, during the differentiation of F9 embryonic carcinoma cells
Pages 1 -
Bingbing Liu, Takahito Yamasaki, Chunyuan Jin, Koji Nakade, Kohsuke Kato, Kyosuke Nagata, Tekehide Murata, Kazunari K. Yokoyama
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2 |
SHP-2 gain-of-function in development and leukemogenesis
Pages 19 -
Marco Tartaglia, Bruce D. Gelb
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3 |
Lethal genes and the colonization of America by Drosophila subobscura
Pages 31 -
F. Mestres, J. Balanyà, M. Pascual, C. Arenas, E. Solé, L. Serra
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
Monitoring and preservation of genetic diversity in livestock breeds: a case study of the Japanese Black cattle population
Pages 59 -
Tetsuro Nomura, Takeshi Honda, Fumio Mukai
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5 |
Conventional and innovative breeding for the improvement of industrial crops. The research performed at Experimental Institute for Industrial Crops (Italy)
Pages 73 -
Paolo Ranalli
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6 |
Mutational and selective mechanisms shaping large-scale organization and evolution of chromosomes
Pages 87 -
Maria Kowalczuk, Dorota Mackiewicz, Pawel Mackiewicz, Natalia Polak, Kamila Smolarczyk, Joanna Banaszak, Miroslaw R. Dudek, Stanislaw Cebrat
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7 |
Genetic heterogeneity of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia: PCSK9, a third gene involved in the disease
Pages 103 -
Delphine Allard, Marianne Abifadel, Jean-Pierre Rabes, Mathilde Varret
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8 |
Genetics of complete hydatidiform mole
Pages 113 -
Norio Wake, Kazuo Asanoma, Takahiro Arima, Hidenori Kato
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9 |
Becker nevus associated with supernumerary nipples: an extension of Becker nevus syndrome showing paradominant inheritance
Pages 121 -
Carlo Enrico Urbani
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10 |
DNA Breakage Detection-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (DBD-FISH): an in situ procedure for exploring genome organization and DNA damage within specific DNA sequence areas
Mini Review
Pages 139 -
José Luis Fernández, Vicente Goyanes, Enrique Segrelles, Jaime Gosálvez
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