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Identification of reaction sites for carbon monoxide oxidation on platinum metals
Pages 1 -
C. Moise, T. Matsushima, T. Yamanaka
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Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to transport processes in gas mixtures
Pages 13 -
X. de Hemptinne, Z. Hens
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Nonlinear dynamics in chemical assembly
Pages 23 -
Kenichi Yoshikawa, Satoshi Nakata
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Rare-earth doped fluoroindate glasses: glass formation, energy transfer properties and frequency upconversion
Pages 59 -
A. S. L. Gomes, Cid B. de Araύjo, G. S. Maciel, L. H. Acioli, L. de S. Menezes, L. E. E. de Araύjo, M. A. Aegerter, Y. Messaddeq
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The superposition principle in the theoretical analysis of electrochemical techniques for different electrode geometries
Pages 75 -
Angela Molina, Carmen Serna, Joaquín González, Luis Camacho
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Solvent spin-labelling for NMR investigations of protein folding
Pages 99 -
Gennaro Espositob, Henriette Molinari, Laura Ragona, Lucia Zetta, Maria Scarselli, Neri Niccolai
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Multicenter bonds and respective MO index
Pages 111 -
Mario Giambiagi, Myriam Segre de Giambiagi
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Investigation of satellite holes and their application to chromophore-DNA interactions
Pages 141 -
Chien-Chih Chiang, Ji-Yen Cheng, Ta-Chau Chang
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The evolution of probability density in configuration space according to stochastic equations of motion
Pages 167 -
M. Battezzati
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Characterization of clay surfaces in aqueous suspensions by electronic spectroscopies of adsorbed organic dyes
Pages 191 -
F. Lόpez Arbeloa, I. Lόpez Arbeloa, T. Lόpez Arbeloa
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Hydration and dynamics of aerosol OT microemulsions: Infrared and microwave dielectric spectroscopy
Pages 215 -
A. Santucci, G. Onori
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Mass selected laser spectroscopy of neutral and ionized molecular species
Pages 227 -
Ulrich Boesl
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Theory and experiment of degenerate four-wave mixing in molecular systems
Pages 243 -
A. A. Pakhomov, S. H. Lin, Yit-Tsong Chen
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