ABSTRACT Several studies indicate that the active dietary constituents of fruits, vegetables and beverages prevent free radical-induced diseases and protect against foodstuff oxidative deterioration. Antioxidant capacity is widely used as a parameter to characterize different plant materials (fruits, vegetables, wines, teas, oils). It can also be used to control variation within or between products as well as different geographical origin. There are several methods for the evaluation of the efficiency of antioxidants. 2,2-dipheny-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay is one of the most popular and frequently employed methods to test the ability of compounds to act as free radical scavengers or hydrogen donors, and to evaluate antioxidant activity of foods. This paper presents an overview of the publications regarding the use of DPPH method for in vitro evaluation of antioxidant properties of different kind of teas which are consumed worldwide as a desirable beverage.
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