ABSTRACT This paper is devoted to the investigation on the mechanism of the semiconductor epitaxial growth. The epitaxial growth mechanism is discussed in view of the individual reaction pass-ways of vapor phase reaction, adsorption, surface reaction, migration and nucleation on the surface. Premitive and effective optical microscope observations of the as-grown surface morphology lead to the crucial conclusion on the important role of surface migration and the nucleation mechanism. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy measurements applied on the chroline-based Si and GaAs epitaxy show the presice reaction pass-way in the vapor phase and the surface reaction. IR spectroscopy results of the tri-methyl-gallium (TMG)/AsH3 based GaAs MOCVD is also shown. Quantum effects on the epitaxial growth are shown by the UV light irradiation (photo-epitaxy). The surface reaction mechanisms in Si and GaAs molecular layer epitaxy (MLE) is shown by using the simple quadrupole mass (QMS) analysis. Then, the importance of the stoichiometry control is shown in compound semiconductor epitaxy and the surface reaction.
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